In this section you can find all of our recent news with regards to the running of the Hereford and District Invitation Skittle League.
16 March 2025The four teams who will contest the final of this years Charity Cup were decided on Saturday night, the teams are ..... Eternal Optomists, Who's afraid Of the Big Front Pin, Military D & Spare Bears. Please be aware the semi finals and final will all be held at the Richmond Club on Saturday 5th of April. THE SEMI FINAL GAMES WILL START AT 7pm SHARP & The final will follow after, player names will need to be on the board before 7pm, if a team is not ready to play at 7pm they will be deemed to of forfeited the game.
Summer Season reminder
14 March 2025There is 1 week remaining to get the entry forms in for the summer season. Deadline is Friday 21st March 2025
Cup Competitions FINALS
14 March 2025The Semi-finals have been completed for all team cup competitions and the final games are:-
Knockout Cup - April 2nd 2025 - Evans SC vs Fire Brigade
Front Pin Cup - April 4th 2025 - Fire Brigade vs Tattibogoes
Cider Cup - April 25th 2025 - The 'C'on Men vs Fire Brigade
ALL GAMES will be played at the Richmond Club, and the "Home" sides will be decided by coin toss before the start of each game. The league will organise alleys/stickers for these games.
Return of Trophies
4 March 2025All returnable trophies are now required back by the committee so they can be prepared for this years winners.
The committee would also like to remind teams currently in possession of trophies "Should Cup or Cups be returned in a dirty condition, the bill for cleaning will be paid by the offending team" in line with Rule 14.
Trophies can be returned to the Richmond Club (evenings only) or by arrangement with the Hon. Secretary or Assistant Hon. Secretary.
Cup Competitions Semi Finals
22 February 2025The draw for the Cup Competition Semi Finals has been made and the fixtures have been published. They are as below:-
(When accessing the fixtures on your mobile phone, if you rotate your phone to landscape you are able to see the venues)
CIDER CUP - 26th February 2025
The 'C'on Men vs Beevers - Military Club Alley No 1
Fire Brigade vs Tattibogoes - Military Club Alley No 2
KNOCKOUT CUP - 5th March 2025
Barton vs Evans - Q Club Alley No 1
FJ Lions vs Fire Brigade Q Club Alley No 2
FRONT PIN CUP - 12 March 2025
Fire Brigade vs Bridgemen - GWRSA Alley No 1
Tattibogoes vs Beevers - GWRSA Alley No 2
All alleys have been booked with the Venues but it is the "Home" teams responsibility for providing Stickers. Best of luck to all teams in the Semi Finals
Skittle League History
12 February 2025The names of all the teams enered in the League by Division and season from 1902 until the present day and the teams finishing 1st, 2nd and 3rd in each Division has now been completed and is available to view on the website.
In Memory - Stephen Apperley
6 February 2025Stephen Apperley sadly passed away on Sunday 26th January 2025.
Stephen played for the Richmond Oilers and was there Secretary for over 20 years, and was a well liked and important member of the Hereford Skittles League Commitee even after the Richmond Oilers stopped playing in 2023.
Our thoughts and prayers go out to Stephens wife and children
Stephens funeral will be held on March 6th at 10.15am at Hereford Crematorium, family have request no black, men to wear colourfu shirts (Hawaiian Style) and ladies in bright colourful dresses.
Charity Cup 2025
28 January 2025With only 2 days remaining, the leauge have only received 6 entries for this years charity cup competiton. If you haven't yet sent your entries you will need to send these ahead of the 30th January 2025. Anyone needing an entry form please email the league secretary and one will be forwarded to you.
Pairs 15th January 2025
13 January 2025The pairs matches previously booked to take place at the Herdsman on Wednesday (15th January) will now take place at the Richmond Club.
7 January 2025The singles competition that was to be held at the City Sports club tomorrow (Wed 8th Jan) will now be held at The Railway Club. They have no heating at City Sports.