Emlyn's Victors
Winter teamFormed in 1987 as Belmont Rustlers playing at the Belmont Inn until 1990 when it closed. They then moved to the Gamecock and changed their name to Rustlers, continuing until the end of season 2009/10. In 2010 they merged with Sundowners who played at the Volunteer, Harold Street and played there until October 2022. In 2016 they became Vic's Rustlers in memory of Vic Heath, who was the Secretary of Sundowners and who passed away that year. In 2024 they changed their name to Emlyns' Victors in memory of Emlyn Williams who passed away in January 2024. Before he played for Vics' Rustlers Emlyn played for Wiggin and Sundowners.
Home alley: The Brewers Arms
Secretary: John Jenkins
League Winner.
Division 3 - 2021/22.
Division 4 - 2001/02.
Individual Winner.
Pairs Competition - D Morgan & P Steele - 2002/03, G Thompson & S Price 2021/22.
Highest League Score of Season - A Jones 63, 1983/84.
Previous names: Belmont Rustlers until 1990, Rustlers until 2016, Vic's Rustlers until 2024.
Previous alleys: Belmont Inn until 1989/90, Gamecock until 2009/10, Volunteer, Harold Street until October 2022.
Previous divisions: Division 2 - 2012/13 until 2015/16, 2019/20. Division 3 - 2002/03 until 2004/05, 2011/12, 2016/17 until 2018/19, 2021/22. Division 4 - 1994/95 until 1996/97, 19999/00 until 2001/02, 2005/06 until 2010/11. Division 5 - 1993/94, 1997/98 until 1998/99. Division 6 - 1987/88 until 1992/93.
Previous secretaries: C B Davies 1987/88, D Price 1988/89, J Jenkins 1989/90 until 1990/91, G Neale 1991/92, S Williams 1992/93, J Jenkins 1993/94 until 1997/98, I Price 1998/99, N Morgan 1999/00 until 2004/05, S Martin 2005/06 until 2006/07, A Morgan 2007/08 until 2009/10, J Jenkins 2010/11 until present.

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