Richmond Oilers
Winter teamFormed in 1975 as Hereford United S C 'B' playing at the original United Social Club then moved to the Sportsman Club when it opened and stayed until the end of season 1995/96 when it was destroyed by fire. Moved to Richmond Club No 2 alley and changed their name to Richmond HUSC. Changed their name to Richmond Oilers at start of season 2018/19. Ceased playing at the end of season 2022/23 due to shortage of players.
Home alley: Richmond Place Club no. 2
Secretary: Steve Apperley
League Winner.
Division 2 - 1987/88.
Division 5 - 2018/19.
Individual Winner.
Four Spares - R Chandler 10,13,12,18 (53) v Military 'E' on Hereford United Club No 2 alley 18/12/1981.
Singles Competition - L Neville 1996/97.
Pairs Competition - G Floyd & T Price 1992/93.
Highest League Score of Season - P Everall 66, 1981/82.
Previous names: Hereford United S C 'B' until 1996, Richmond HUSC until 2018.
Previous alleys: United Social Club No 2 until 1984, Sportsman No 2 until 1996.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 1983/84 until 1984/85, 1988/89 until 1997/98, 1999/00 until 2001/02, 2009/10. Division 2 - 1980/81 until 1982/83, 1985/86 until 1987/88, 1998/99, 2002/03 until 2008/09, 2010/11. Division 3 - 1979/80, 2011/12, 2022/23. Division 4 - 1978/79,2012/13, 2014/15 until 2017/18, 2019/20 until 2021/22. Division 5 - 1976/77 until 1977/78, 2013/14, 2018/19. Division 6 - 1975/76
Previous secretaries: J Farmer 1975/76 until 1983/84, B Walker 1984/85 until 1990/91, M Griffiths 1991/92 until 1999/2000, S Apperley 2000/01 until 2023.

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