Pins of Anarchy

Winter team

Formed in 2011 as the Herdsman Howlers until the end of season 2014/15 when they changed their name and played on the Herdsman No 1 alley until 2018/19 when they moved to the Brewers Arms. Played until 2020 then moved to the Snooker Centre No 3 alley for the start of season 2021/22 and for season 2024/25 moved to the Plough Inn. 

Home alley: Plough Inn (Whitecross)

Secretary: Simon Partridge

They currently have no honours

Previous names: Herdsman Howlers until 2015

Previous alleys: Herdsman No 1 until 2019, Brewers Arms 2019 until 2020, Q Club 2021 until 2024.

Previous divisions: Division 3 - 2019/20 until 2021/22. Division 4 - 2015/16, 2017/18 until 2018/19. Division 5 - 2011/12 until 2014/15, 2016/17.

Previous secretaries: None

Pins of Anarchy


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