Winter teamFormed in 1974 as Buck Boys playing at The Buckingham Pub, until the end of season 1982/83. Then moved to the BRSA club (British Rail Staff Association) and changed name to BRSA 'C', playing on a Thursday night until the end of season 1989/90 when name was changed to GWRSA 'C' in line with name change of club to Great Western Railway Staff Association. Played on the ground floor alley until the end of season 1992/93 when two new alley's were built upstairs and the team moved up to alley 1.
Home alley: GWRSA Club no. 1
Secretary: Allan Collett
League Winner.
Divison 4 - 1980/81, 2000/01.
Division 5 - 1979/80.
Competition Winner.
Charity Cup - 1984/85, 2017/18.
Individual Winner.
Pairs Competition - A & R Hunt 1979/80.
Highest Score of Season - E Cottey 53, 1992/93.
Previous names: Buck Boys until 1983, BRSA 'C' until 1990.
Previous alleys: Buckingham Inn until 1983. (Now Tesco Express, Whitecross Road).
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 2014/15. Division 2 - 1982/83, 2008/09, 2013/14, 2015/16 until 2019/20. Division 3 - 1981/82, 1983/84 until 1985/86 until 1990/91, 2001/02, 2004/05 until 2007/08, 2009/10 until 2012/13, 2021/22. Division 4 - 1980/81, 1991/92 until 1994/95, 1997/98 until 2000/01, 2002/03 until 2003/04. Division 5 - 1975/76 until 1979/80, 1995/96 until 1996/97. Division 6 - 1974/75.
Previous secretaries: E Cottey 1974/75 until 2000/01, A Collett 2001/02 until present.

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