United S C 'A'
Winter teamUnited S C who in 1975 changed their name to United S C 'A'. In 1984 they moved to the Sportsman No 1 alley when the new club opened and continued until it was destroyed by fire in 1996. They then moved to the Farmers Club alley No 2 and changed their name to United Farmers.
Home alley: Farmers Club no. 2
Secretary: B Jones
League Winners – Division 2, 1979, 1989, 1992, Division 3, 1978.
Champion of Champions – 1978.
Previous secretaries: Mr J Leake 1974/75 until 1976/77, United Secretary 1977/78, Mr F Farmer 1978/79, Mr G Sewell 1979/80 until 1981/82, Mr F Lloyd 1982/83 until 1990/91, Mr B Jones 1991/92 until 1995/96.

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