Winter teamFormed before 1960 as MESC 'B', playing at the MEB Club in season 1966/67. Moved to Hereford Lads Club in 2000 when the MEB Club closed and changed their name to Electric Lads. In 2006 they moved to the Buckingham Inn and changed their name to Buccaneers and continued there until December 2013 when the Buckingham closed and they moved to the Victory. Played for one season in 2015/16 at Hereford F C Social Club before they closed the alley.
Home alley: Lads Club no. 3
Secretary: Rob Smith
League Winner.
Division 6 - 1972/73, 1998/99.
Competition Winner.
Highest Away Score - 1984/85 Division 6 359 v Liberal 'B', 1997/98 365 v Lads Club Lions.
Previous names: MESC 'B' until 2000, Electric Lads 2000 until 2006.
Previous alleys: MEB Club until 1999/00, Hereford Lads Club 2000/01 until 2005/06, Buckingham Inn 2006/07 until December 2013, The Victory 2014 until 2014/15, Hereford F C Social Club 2015/16.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 2013/14 until 2015/16, 2019/20 until present. Division 2 - 2010/11 until 2012/13, 2016/17 until 2018/19. Division 3 - 2009/10. Division 4 - 1962/63 until 1965/66, 1968/69, 1974/75, 1976/77 until 1977/78, 1988/89 until 1991/92, 1994/95, 2000/01 until 2002/03, 2008/09. Division 5 - until 1961/62, 1966/67 until 1967/68, 1969/70 until 1971/72, 1973/74, 1975/76, 1978/79, 1986/87 until 1987/88, 1992/93 until 1993/94, 1995/96 until 1996/97, 1999/00, 2003/04 until 2007/08. Division 6 - 1972/73, 1979/80, 1982/83, 1984/85 until 1985/86, 1997/98 until 1998/99. Division 7 - 1980/81 until 1981/82, 1983/84.
Previous secretaries: E Taylor 1966/67 until 1984/85, E Prosser 1985/86 until 2000/01, B Ridley 2003/04 until 2005/06, E Rundle 2006/07 until 2010/11, R Smith 2011/12 until 2020/21, J Honeyborne 2021/22 until present.

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