Shop Assistants
Winter teamFormed in the Summer of 1966 playing in the Summer Cup before joining the League for season 1966/67. At that time shops in Hereford closed on a Thursday lunchtime which meant that Shop Assistants had the afternoon free but worked all day on Saturday. Due to the fact that they could not participate in any sporting activities on a Saturday afternoon because they were working, a few of them got together to form cricket and later table tennis teams.
They then contacted various local establishments such as the Technical College, schools or individual shops that were large enough to form a team to play against each other on a Thursday afternoon. This was brought together by Ivan Bishop, and his two sons Stephen and Gerald, along with other local sportsmen. Originally from Yorkshire he moved to Hereford with his family and was a well known Gents Hairdresser in the City. His love of cricket was the main objective of forming these teams. After a while Chris Williams, who was a member of these teams, thought it would be a good idea to form a skittle team to play in the League and this was how Shop Assistants team was formed in 1966. Although some of the founders were Shop Assistants, their friends and other work associates joined as well.
The 'Shops', as they are usually known as, first played in the Summer Cup competition at the Bye Gate Inn, Commercial Street before entering the league for the 1966/67 season when they played at the Buckingham.Fifty years after their formation two members were still playing from the original team, they were Graham Preece and Alan Hartland, many of the others also played for many years.
Home alley: Welsh Club no. 2
Secretary: Graham Preece
League Winner.
Division 2, 1976/77, 1993/94, 2017/18.
Competition Winner.
Charity Cup - 1976/77, 1979/80.
Champion of Champions – 1976/77.
Individual Winner.
Pairs Winner - D Hartland & D Sockett 1982/83.
Highest Score of Season - R Grice 55, 2001/02.
Highest Front Pin Score of Season - M Locking 46, 1994/95.
Previous names: None
Previous alleys: Buckingham Inn 1966/67, Barton Club (Now GWRSA Club) 1967/68, Gamecock Inn until 1981, Golden Lion until 1986, Travellers Rest until 1991, County Hospital until 1993, Thorn Social Club 1993/94.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 1972/73, 1975/76, 1977/78, 1981/82, 1994/95, 1996/97 until 2001/02, 2003/04 until 2008/09, 2018/19. Division 2 - 1971/72, 1973/74 until 1974/75, 1976/77, 1978/79 until 1980/81, 1982/83, 1990/91 until 1993/94, 1995/96, 2002/03, 2009/10 until 2011/12, 2013/14 until 2017/18, 2019/20 until present. Division 3 - 1970/71, 1983/84 until 1986/87, 1989/90, 2012/13. Division 4 - 1987/88 until 1988/89. Division 4 - 1969/70. Division 5 - 1968/69. Division 6 - 1966/67 until 1967/68.
Previous secretaries: C Williams 1966/67 until 1967/68, R Evans 1968/69 until 1969/70, C Williams 1970/71 until 1981/82, A Hartland 1982/83 until 2010/11, P Spearpoint, 2011/12 until 2023/24.

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