Wiggin 'A'
Winter teamFormed in 1954 as Wiggin R C, changed their name in 1960 when Wiggin were formed. Playing at the Belle Vue until 1968/69 when they moved to the Wiggin Club. They moved to the Bricklayers in 1973/74 and in 1979/80 they moved to the Golden Lion for two seasons then moved to the Racehorse until 1983. They then moved to the Lamb Inn for three seasons until 1985/86 when they moved to the Welsh Club No 1 alley and changed their name to Welsh Club 'W'.
Home alley: Belle Vue
League Winner – Division 4, 1983, 1986, Division 5, 1981.
Champion of Champions – 1983.
Previous names: Wiggin R C
Previous secretaries: J Currie 1966/67 until 1969/70, J Willis 1970/71 until 1971/72, J Fraser 1972/73 until 1985/86.

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