Winter teamFormed in 1963 by players who worked for Henry Wiggin & Company playing at the Plough Inn, Whitecross Road on a Thursday evening and were called the Ploughmen. Moved to the Bridge Inn, Holmer for season 1987/88 and changed their name to the Bridgemen. In 1995 they moved to the Liberal Club, then played at the Herdsman and Pegasus Club before moving to the Richmond Club in 2005 when they changed their name to Richmond Bridgemen. In 2013 they celebrated fifty years existance with a dinner and dance at the Green Dragon. In 2014 they moved to the Military Club No 1 alley and changed their name back to Bridgemen.
Home alley: Richmond Place Club no. 2
Secretary: Ian Grieve
League Winner.
Division 3 - 1981/82.
Division 4 - 1974/75.
Competition Winner.
Knock Out Cup - 2004/05.
Highest Away Score - Division 1 2005/06 405 v Richmond Painters, Division 2 1976/77 386 v ?, 1984/85 384 v Trotters, 2014/15 372 v Shop Assistants, Division 3 1981/82 377 v Praills S C.
Individual Winner.
27 Spare - I Grieve v Wranglers at City Sports Club, 20/01/1989.
Singles Competition - P Cross 2012/13.
Pairs Competition - D Parker & B Norris 1997/98, P Mann & D Mawson 2005/06.
Highest Front Pin Score of Season - R Hughes 42, 2015/16.
Previous names: Ploughmen until 1987, Bridgemen until 1987 until 2005, Richmond Bridgemen 2005 until 2014.
Previous alleys: Plough Inn until 1986/87, Bridge Inn 1987/88 until 1994/95, Liberal Club No 1 1995/96 until 2000/01, Herdsman 2001/02, Pegasus Club No 2 2002/03 until 2004/05, Richmond Club No 4 2005/06 until 2013/14.
Previous divisions: Division 1 - 1992/93 until 2009/10, 2011/12 until 2013/14, 2017/18 until 2018/19. Division 2 - 1976/77, 1980/81, 1982/83, 1984/85 until 1991/92, 2010/11, 2014/15 until 2016/17, 2019/20 until present. Division 3 - 1967/68, 1975/76, 1977/78 until 1979/80, 1981/82, 1983/84. Division 4 - 1966/67, 1968/69, 1970/71 until 1974/75. Division 5 - 1963/64 until 1965/66, 1969/70.
Previous secretaries: J McGowan 1966/67, J Fairburn 1967/68 until 1973/74, P Cross 1974/75 until 1976/77, R Gardiner 1977/78 until 1981/82, D Parker 1982/83, P Cross 1983/84, D Parker 1984/85 until 2005/06, P Mann 2006/07 until 2016/17, I Grieve 2017/18 until present.

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